Biratnagar, Former Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai today said that he had not retired from active politics.
Talking to the mediapersons at Biratnagar airport, Bhattarai said though he had parted ways from UCPN-Maoist, he had not renounced active politics. Stressing the need for a new political force, Bhattarai said, “I am currently campaigning for a new political force.”
Stating that UCPN-Maoist’s responsibility towards the nation had come to an end with the promulgation of the new statute, Bhattarai said, “The old parties and leaders are not fit for new responsibilities and challenges. I would have quit UCPN-Maoist with a group of followers, but we now need to bring greater transparency in politics and end corruption,” he said, adding,” I am campaigning for the formation of a new political force with progressive thought.”
He said the new political force would focus on bridging the divide between hill, mountain and Tarai, economic development, keeping equidistant from India and China and laying the ground for transparent as well as fair politics.
Bhattarai commented that the promulgation of the new statute had ended an era. He urged the major political parties as well as government to settle the unrest and agitation in the plains. “If delayed, the situation might go out of control,” Bhattarai warned.